Quadrokopters — 4-rotor remote controlled helicopter drones may be familiar to many Elektor readers. Typically, the direction of these aircraft is controlled by slight tilt as a result of individual rotor blade speed variations, the principle just begging to be implemented in state of the art electronics. That’s not a trivial matter though and you’ll soon find that communication with people having “been there and done that” is extremely useful if not an absolute necessity to get anything off the ground.
Holger Buss and Ingo Busker are experts in the field. On their mikrokopter.de website they provide construction guides, many links to existing quadrocopter projects, tips and tricks and tonnes more. Mechanical and electronic parts as well as kits are available through an online store.
The latest gizmo on the mikrokopter.de website is a hexacopter with six rotors. The agility of this drone is demonstrated in a number of impressive videos.
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